I’ve got less than 10 weeks until my 70.3 mile race, I am training like a fool every day. That means I am sore, dehydrated half the time, and overanalyzing all aspects of my life while logging 150 miles a week. Here are a few of the questions I ask myself while swimming, biking, and running.
Why does my cat kill birds? More so, why does my DECLAWED cat kill birds and eat them in the back yard. I guess the real question is how? Does she bitch slap them to death? Just badger them so long they have a heart attack? Drive them to drink? You have to admit, that’s pretty impressive for a cat with no claws.
How did my dog throw out his back? He is a pug who sleeps all day. It’s not like he does manual labor. He was probably jacking with that cat.
Why can’t men read minds? Can they not tell that “I’m Fine” means you are an asshole and everything you say after this will only piss me off more. When we are mad and push you away it means we really want more attention! Geez! It’s not rocket science!!!!
Why did I hook my phone up to the IPod speaker this morning and then look for my phone for 20 minutes WHILE listening to the music?
Why do people who obviously do not exercise fell the overwhelming need to give me tons of unsolicited advice about my exercising. I know these people have not run since they were on a playground, but I really think I’ve got it handled.
Why is it so damn hot? Follow me here… I do not allow my children to say the word Hate. Not even in general terms. We are very strict about how they can express perceptions about other people and the world around them. Words are meaningful. They carry. I try to set a good example for them. When Mary Margaret said, “It’s hotter than HELL” the other day I just couldn’t get on to her. She was right.
Why does the dumpster guy at work jack with us so bad? Probably because the maintenance guy jacks with him. It’s been a battle for years over where that dumpster is placed behind the museum. We have fire codes with the alley it sits in, but I think the guy just loves to move it around to get a reaction. It’s been placed facing the building so it won’t open. Leaned up against the corner. Yesterday it was smack assed in the middle of the alley. I think I’ll put the cat in that dumpster and see what happens to him after he jacks with her!
Why does my husband call when we are going out of town to tell me he is ready and waiting? He is. And I gotta go.
Thanks for reading! Hope you feel better about yourself! I do. Because I am BLOWING THIS POPSICLE STAND!
I absolutely love reading your blog. You crack me up! You make me want to speak what's really on my mind, is that a good thing? Have a nice trip out of town!
ReplyDeleteI am on the floor