Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sarah, Levi, and Me

Would all of my friends vote for me if I ran for public office? Probably not.
Do I vote for Sarah Palin? No. Let me explain myself -

I love Sarah. If I lived in her hometown I bet we would run together and be good friends. I understand about changing jobs and education while you have children. I also understand how hard it is to see your children being hurt.

I happen to not agree with her politics. I do not think that her beliefs about government make her a bad person, and I wonder why some people want to crucify other humans for differing beliefs. I have many buddies who believe the exact opposite of what I believe. Last November we told our best friends to hurry up and get in line to cancel out our votes as the courthouse was crowded. Sometimes politics are some of the most important ideals in your life. Sometimes they are the least.

Many of you read these blogs because they make you laugh, and I'm glad I can put a giggle in your day. Would you all vote for me? Probably not. I admire Sarah for her spunk and wit. She kind of reminds me of Jane Fonda in that way. It is a "Bring it On" attitude that I love in women.

Then there it that idiod Levi. What an ass. No one should attack a family in private in order to advance a selfish agenda. This loser does it in public and in the media just so he can promote himself. The worst for me was the fake engagement. Did he really put her in a spot where Bristol thought he was in love with her only to break her heart? I know the words, "but mom I know he loves me" were said in the Palin house. Of course mom probably knew what was going to happen. She also knew how bad it would hurt her daughter. I am sure she feels guilty about working and being in the spotlightt, and I am sure wonders if some of this is her fault. We are mothers. Guilt is just part of the ride.

When Sarah asks me for her vote, I say no. If she ever asks me to help put Levi in his place, I'm all in on that one.

Sarah - Remember the movie 9 to 5? Watch it. I call dibs on Dolly Parton. I own that one. You can have Jane.

1 comment:

  1. Neither one of us could run for public office as we have more bones in our closets than a rib joint! That is why I voted for Basil Marceaux (you tube it)


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