Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Stand By Your Man"

My husband can always make me laugh. This week I decided to make a list of his memorable comments.

1. “Hey, you are sitting on my cooler.” The moment we first met at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house party.
2. “I make a potato casserole that will knock your panties – oh I mean your socks off.” While trying to pick me up in a bar two years later.
3. “Listen, we didn’t all go to some fancy prep school like you did, but that book was on my reading list in High School also.” When I suggested we go see “The Scarlet Letter” movie while on one of our first dates. I was trying to explain the plot to him.
4. “She gets pregnant!?” Fifteen minutes into the movie.
5. “I could have told you that. I was just deciding when to tell you.” What he told me the first two times when I told him I was pregnant.
6. “What the HELL? How did this happen?” The third time I told him I was pregnant.
7. “This is going to be great. You are going to be a wonderful mother. Hey buddy, please quit crying.” Every time we drive home from the hospital with a new baby.
8. “I don’t care if they do make it in your size. I am your father and I get the final say. Not Target. Just because they sell that crap doesn’t mean you can wear it.” To our daughter regarding Halloween costumes and their age appropriateness.
9. “When they get their own apartments they can have all the pets they want. They can have unicorns in the son of a bitch for all I care. No more in this house.” When the kids and I asked for another pet.
10. “I love you buddy.” Every night before we go to bed.

Thank you for reading my post and I hope you feel better about yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I somehow missed this one when you posted it. This is wonderful. Thanks!


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