Friday, May 25, 2012

Tuff Enough

I tear shit up all the time.  Really, I do.  My Mother and husband have both told me the same thing in nicer words. 
At home I tend to stick with vacuum cleaners, small appliances, and the psyche of young children.  This blog will focus on what I tear up at work. 

This is what I tore up at my last job.  OK, this is ONE of the things I tore up at my last job. 

This was taken at the Christmas Party.  I had to get food out of my trunk, so I put my box of WWI items on the ground.  And I left them there.  Please notice that my front wheel is on the box in the picture.  That is because I backed over the box with the back AND front wheels.  That stuff survived a war, but not me. 

So I get a new job.....

And I proceed to scratch the SHIT out of the brand new conference table. 

I was getting many large boxes together for an event I was doing and happened to place one of those plastic tubs on the conference table in order to count the items inside it.  When I removed the tub....

You know when you have those horrible feelings in the pit of your stomach? Like when you realize someone you thought was your good friend was actually bothered by you and was just using you for what they wanted?  And then you think to yourself, "How could I have been so stupid?"

I felt like a complete and total idiot.  I've been using Q-tips and lemon oil to try to hide it.  I hope you can see it in the picture.  I see it every time I am within 20 feet of the damn thing. 

I am staying with some great friends this weekend.  Hope I don't burn the place down to the ground. 

Thank you for reading my blog, and I hope you feel better about yourself......


  1. I dropped my 2 month old phone in a grocery store toilet last night. I'm too embarrassed to post it on FB. JBJ

  2. Get you some of that wax stuff to hide the scratch! It will be good to go!!

    I tear shit up all the time too!! I'm clumsy.. it's usually my knee or my elbow... like yesterday getting up from the toilet at work and ripped my elbow skin off on the old rusty screw holes where the paper holder used to be. Came of of there bleeding and you would think a hospice would have band-aids.. but no!! Not a damn one!

  3. You r funny.... you should post more often! Check my post for today. If you would accept, I passed along the Kreativ Blogger award....


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